/ˈfeɪθfl ||; ˈfeθfəl/adj faithful (to sb/sth) 1 always staying with and supporting a person, organization or belief 忠心的;忠实的: Peter has been a faithful friend. 彼得一直是个忠心的朋友。He was always faithful to his wife (= he didn't have sexual relations with anyone else). 他对妻子一向很专一。 [SYN] loyal 同义词为loyal [OPP] unfaithful 反义词为unfaithful
2 true to the facts; accurate 如实的;准确的:
a faithful description 精确的描绘 ➔faithfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv Yours faithfully is used to end formal letters. Yours faithfully用于正式信件的结尾。 ➔faithfulness noun [U] ☞Look also at fidelity. 另参看fidelity。