

词汇 punch
释义 punch¹
/pʌntʃ ||; pʌntʃ/verb[T]
1 punch sb (in/on sth) to hit sb/sth hard with your closed hand (fist) (用拳)打击,重击: to punch sb on the nose 挥拳打某人的鼻子He punched the air when he heard the good news. 他听见那好消息时将拳头往空中一挥。 ☞picture on page S19 见S19页插图
2 to make a hole in sth with a special tool (a punch) (用打孔器)打孔: He punched a hole in the ticket. 他把票打了孔。
/pʌntʃ ||; pʌntʃ/noun
1 [C] a hard hit with your closed hand (fist) 打出的一拳
2 [C] a machine or tool that you use for making holes in sth 打孔器;穿孔机: a ticket punch 剪票机a hole punch 打孔器 ☞picture at stationerystationery插图
3 [U] a drink made from wine, fruit juice and sugar 宾治酒(用酒、果汁、糖等调制成的混合饮料)
pull your punchesPULL¹




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