

词汇 January
释义 *January
/ˈdʒænjuəri;-jueri/noun [U] [C] (abbr Jan.) the first month of the year, coming after December 一月: We're going skiing in January. 我们一月要去滑雪。last/next January 刚过去的╱明年一月We first met on January 31st, 1989. 我们第一次见面是在1989年1月31日。Christine's birthday is (on) January 17. 克里斯廷的生日是1月17日。Our wedding anniversary is at the end of January. 我们的结婚周年纪念在一月底。January mornings can be very dark in Britain. 在英国,一月份早上天可能还很黑。 ☞We say ‘on January the seventeenth’ or ‘ on the seventeenth of January’ or, in American English, ‘January seventeenth’. In both British and American English, the months of the year are always written with a capital letter.




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