

词汇 a
释义 *a
/ə;strong form ||; ə; e/(also an /ən ;strong form æn ||; ən; æn/) indefinite article ☞The form an is used before a vowel sound. 元音前用an
1 one 一(个): A cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。We've got an apple, a banana and two oranges. 我们有一个苹果、一根香蕉和两个橘子。
2 used when you talk about one example of sth for the first time (用于首次提及的事物): I saw a dog chasing a cat this morning. The cat climbed up a tree. 今天早上我看见狗在追猫。那只猫爬了上树。Have you got a dictionary (= any dictionary)? 你有词典吗?
3 used for saying what kind of person or thing sb/sth is (用以表达何种人或物): He's a doctor. 他是医生。She's a Muslim. 她是穆斯林。You are a clever boy. 你是个聪明的孩子。‘Is that an eagle?’‘No, it's a falcon.’ “那是鹰吗?”“不,是隼。”
4 (used with prices, rates, measurements) each (与价格、比率、度量衡单位连用)每,每个: I usually drink two litres of water a day. 我一天通常喝两升水。twice a week 一星期两次He was travelling at about 80 miles an hour. 他当时正以每小时约80英里的速度行进。
5 used with some expressions of quantity (与某些表示数量的词连用): a lot of money 很多钱a few cars 几辆汽车
6 used when you are talking about a typical example of sth (用以指某物的典型例子): An elephant can live for up to eighty years. 大象可以活到八十岁。 You can also use the plural in this sense Elephants can live for up to eighty years. 这个意义也可用复数:Elephants can live for up to eighty years.
For more information about the indefinite article, look at the Quick Grammar Reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关不定冠词的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。




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