

词汇 beat
释义 *beat¹
/bi:t ||; bit/verb (past tense beat;past participle beaten /ˈbi:tn ||; ˈbitṇ/)
1 [T] beat sb (at sth);beat sth to defeat sb; to be better than sth 打败;战胜;胜过: He always beats me at tennis. 他打网球总是赢我。We're hoping to beat the world record. 我们希望打破世界纪录。If you want to keep fit, you can't beat swimming. 如果你想身体好,没有比游泳更好的了。
2 [I,T] to hit many times, usually very hard 连续击打(通常很用力): The man was beating the donkey with a stick. 那人在用棍子打驴子。The rain was beating on the roof of the car. 雨点敲打着车顶。
3 [I,T] to make a regular sound or movement 有规律地发出声音或做出动作: Her heart beat faster as she ran to pick up her child. 她跑去抱起她小孩的时候,心跳加快了。We could hear the drums beating in the distance. 我们听得见远处传来击鼓的声音。The bird beat its wings (= moved them up and down quickly). 鸟儿扑动翅膀。
4 [T] to mix quickly with a fork, etc 搅拌(使成泡沫状): Beat the eggs and sugar together. 将鸡蛋和糖拌在一起打。
beat about the bush to talk about sth for a long time without mentioning the main point 旁敲侧击;拐弯抹角;绕弯子: Stop beating about the bush and tell me how much money you need. 别再拐弯抹角,告诉我你需要多少钱。 (it) beats me(spoken 口语) I do not know 我不知道: It beats me where he's gone. 我不知道他去哪里了。‘Why is she angry?’ ‘Beats me!’ “她干吗生气?”“我不知道!” off the beaten track in a place where people do not often go 在人迹罕至的地方 beat sb/sth off to fight until sb/sth goes away 击退;打退: The thieves tried to take his wallet but he beat them off. 小偷想要拿他的钱包,却被他打退了。 beat sb to sth to get somewhere or do sth before sb else 比某人先到某地或做某事: She beat me back to the house. 她比我先回到房子。I wanted to ring him first but Aisha beat me to it. 我想先给他打电话,但艾莎抢先打了。 beat sb up to attack sb by hitting or kicking him/her many times 狠揍某人: He was badly beaten up outside the pub last night. 昨晚他在酒馆外被人狠狠揍了一顿。
/bi:t ||; bit/noun
1 [C] a single hit on sth such as a drum or the movement of sth, such as your heart; the sound that this makes (鼓的)一次敲击(声);(心脏的)一次跳动(声): Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. 她见到他时心停跳了一下。
2 [sing] a series of regular hits on sth such as a drum, or of movements of sth; the sound that this makes 一连串有规律的敲击或跳动(声): the beat of the drums 击鼓声 ☞Look at heartbeat. 参看 heartbeat
3 [C] the strong rhythm that a piece of music has (音乐的)强烈节拍,强烈节奏
4 [sing] the route along which a police officer regularly walks (警察的)巡逻路线: Having more policemen on the beat helps reduce crime. 多一些警察出来巡逻有助减少罪案。




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