

词汇 deduction
释义 deduction
/dɪˈdʌkʃn ||; dɪˈdʌkʃən/noun[C,U]
1 something that you work out from facts that you already know; the ability to think in this way 推断出的结论;演绎法: It was a brilliant piece of deduction by the detective. 那侦探真聪明,能够推断出这个结论。 ☞verb deduce 动词为deduce ☞Compare induction (2). 与induction(2)比较。
2 deduction (from sth) taking away an amount or number from a total; the amount or number taken away from the total 扣除;扣除额: What is your total income after deductions? (= when tax, insurance, etc are taken away) 扣除税款、保险金等各项费用后,你的总收入是多少? ☞verb deduct 动词为deduct




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