

词汇 dual carriageway
释义 ˌdual ˈcarriageway
(USdivided highway) noun [C] a wide road that has an area of grass or a fence in the middle to separate the traffic going in one direction from the traffic going in the other direction 双向车行道(车道中央以草地或栅栏作分隔)
/dʌb ||; dʌb/verb [T] (dubbing;dubbed)
1 to give sb/sth a new or amusing name (a nickname) 给…起外号: Bill Clinton was dubbed 'Slick Willy'. 比尔·克林顿的外号叫“滑头威利”。
2 dub sth (into sth) to change the sound in a film so that what the actors said originally is spoken by actors using a different language 给电影配音: I don't like foreign films when they're dubbed into English. I prefer subtitles. 配上了英语的外国影片我不大爱看,我喜欢配字幕的。 ☞Look at subtitle. 参看subtitle
3 to make a piece of music by mixing different pieces of recorded music together 混录音乐(把录制的多种音乐片段拼成一首乐曲)




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