

词汇 stock
释义 *stock¹
/stɒk ||; stɑk/noun
1 [U] [C] the supply of things that a shop, etc has for sale (商店的)存货,库存: We'll have to order extra stock if we sell a lot more this week. 这星期卖出更多的话,我们就必须再订货。I'm afraid that book's out of stock at the moment. Shall I order it for you? 这本书目前恐怕缺货。我要不要为你订一本?I'll see if we have your size in stock. 我来看看你的尺寸我们有没有货。
2 [C] an amount of sth that has been kept ready to be used 备用物;储备: Food stocks in the village were very low. 村内缺乏粮食储备。
3 [C,U] a share that sb has bought in a company, or the value of a company's shares 股份;股: to invest in stocks and shares 投资于证券
4 [C,U] a liquid that made by boiling meat, bones, vegetables, etc in water, used especially for making soups and sauces (用肉、骨头、蔬菜等炖成的)汤料,高汤(尤用以做汤和调味汁)
take stock (of sth) to think about sth very carefully before deciding what to do next 三思而后行;总结;评估
/stɒk ||; stɑk/verb[T]
1 (usually used about a shop) to have a supply of sth (通常指商店)贮存货品: They stock food from all over the world. 他们供应从世界各国进口来的食物。
2 to fill a place with sth 储备;供应: a well-stocked library 藏书丰富的图书馆
stock up (on/with sth) to collect a large supply of sth for future use 储备: to stock up with food for the winter 储备粮食过冬
/stɒk ||; stɑk/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (used for describing sth that sb says) used so often that it does not have much meaning (用于形容说话)陈腐的,老套的: He always gives the same stock answers. 他总是作出老一套的答复。




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