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词汇 like
释义 *like¹
/laɪk ||; laɪk/verb[T]
1 like sb/sth;like doing sth;like to do sth;like sth about sb/sth to find sb/sth pleasant; to enjoy sth 喜欢: He's nice. I like him a lot. 他这人很好,我非常喜欢他。Do you like their new flat? 你喜欢不喜欢他们的新公寓?How do you like John's new girlfriend? 你觉得约翰新交的女朋友怎么样?I like my coffee strong. 我爱喝浓咖啡。I like playing tennis. 我喜欢打网球。I like to go to the cinema on Thursdays. 我喜欢星期四去看电影。What is it you like about Sarah so much? 你为什么那样喜欢萨拉?She didn't like it when I shouted at her. 她不喜欢我跟她大声说话。I don't like him borrowing my things without asking. 我不喜欢他不问一声就借走我的东西。The job seems strange at first, but you'll get to like it. 这份工作开头觉得陌生,不过你慢慢会喜欢上的。I don't like the look/sound/idea/thought of that. 我不喜欢那个样子╱声音╱主意╱想法。 [OPP] dislike 反义词为dislike
When like means ‘have the habit of...’ or ‘think it's a good thing to...’, it is followed by the infinitive I like to get up early so that I can go for a run before breakfast. like如果解作“惯于…”或“喜欢做…”,后面就紧接不定式动词:I like to get up early so that I can go for a run before breakfast.我喜欢一早起来,这样便能在吃早餐之前跑步。
2 to want 想: Do what you like. I don't care. 你爱做什么就做什么,我不在乎。We can go whenever you like. 你想去哪里我们就去哪里。I didn't like to disturb you while you were eating. 你吃东西的时候,我不想打扰你。
Would like is a more polite way to say ‘want’ Would you like something to eat? I'd like to speak to the manager. We'd like you to come to dinner on Sunday. How would you like to come to Scotland with us? Would like is always followed by the infinitive, never by the -ing form. 要表达“想”这个意义,用would like比较有礼貌:Would you like something to eat?你要吃点什么吗? · I'd like to speak to the manager.我想跟经理谈几句话。 · We'd like you to come to dinner on Sunday.我们想请您星期天来吃晚饭。 · How would you like to come to Scotland with us?你想不想跟我们一块儿去苏格兰?would like后面一定紧接不定式动词,而非-ing形式。 if you like used for agreeing with sb or suggesting sth in a polite way (用于有礼貌地表示同意或提议): ‘Shall we stop for a rest?’ ‘Yes, if you like.’ “我们停下来歇一歇,好不好?”“嗯,也好。” I like that! (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) used for saying that sth is not true or not fair (用于表示某事不真实或不公平) like the look/sound of sb/sth to have a good impression of sb/sth after seeing or hearing about him/her/it 见到、听说某人或某事物之后产生好印象
/laɪk ||; laɪk/prep conj
1 similar to sb/sth 相似;像: You look very/just/exactly likeyour father. 你长得跟你爸爸很像╱真像╱一模一样。Those two singers sound like cats! 那两名歌手唱起歌来像猫叫!Your house is nothing like how I imagined it. 你的房子跟我想象中的完全不一样。
If you want somebody to give a description of something you ask: ‘What's he/she/it like?’ Tell me about your town. What's it like? ‘What's your brother like?’ ‘He's tall and fair, and quite serious.’ What was it like being interviewed on TV? 想要别人描述“某人╱某物是什么样子的﹖”﹐英语说What's he/she/it like?﹕Tell me about your town. What's it like? 给我说说你那个小镇。它是什么样子的﹖'What's your brother like?' “你的哥哥是什么模样的﹖”'He's tall and fair, and quite serious.'“他个儿很高﹐皮肤白皙﹐很严肃。”What was it like being interviewed on TV? 在电视台接受采访是什么样子的﹖
2 (in compounds 用于构成复合词) in the manner of; similar to 像…的;与…类似: childlike innocence/simplicity 像孩子一样天真╱纯朴a very lifelike statue 栩栩如生的雕像
3 in the same way as sb/sth 像…一样: Stop behaving like children. 别再像孩子一样。That's not right. Do it like this. 不对,该这么做才对。She can't draw like her sister can. 论画画,她比不上她妹妹。
4 for example; such as 比如: They enjoy most team games, like football and rugby. 大部份的集体运动他们都喜欢,比如足球、橄榄球。
5 typical of a particular person 符合某人特点: It was just like Maria to be late. 玛丽亚就是这样的人,总是迟到。
6 (informal 非正式) as if 好像;彷佛: She behaves like she owns the place. 她表现得好像她就是那个地方的主人。
7 (slang 俚语) (used before saying what sb said, how sb felt, etc) (用于表示某人的说话、感想等): When I saw the colour of my hair I was like ‘Wow, I can't believe it!’ 我一看到自己头发的颜色,说了声:“哇,我简直不敢相信!”
like anything(spoken 口语) very much, fast, hard, etc 非常;非常快;非常努力: We had to pedal like anything to get up the hill. 我们得拚命踩动踏板才上了山。 nothing likeNOTHINGsomething like about; approximately 大约;约莫: The cathedral took something like 200 years to build. 这座大教堂花了大约200年时间才盖起来。 that's more like it (used to say that sth is better than before) (用于表示情况比原先有改善): The sun's coming out now -- that's more like it! 现在太阳出来了─这样好多了!
/laɪk ||; laɪk/noun
1 [sing] a person or thing that is similar to sb/sth else 相似的人或物: I enjoy going round castles, old churches and the like. 我喜欢游览城堡、古教堂之类的地方。She was a great singer, and we may never see her like/the like of her again. 她歌唱得真好,我们也许再也看不到像她那样的歌手了。
2 likes [pl] things that you like 爱好: Tell me about some of your likes and dislikes. 对我说说你的好恶爱憎。 like adj (formal 正式)




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