

词汇 tea towel
释义 ˈtea towel
(also tea cloth) noun [C] a small towel that is used for drying plates, knives, forks, etc 揩餐具的小毛巾
/ti:tʃ ||; titʃ/verb (past tense past participle taught /tɔ:t ||; tɔt/)
1 [I,T] teach sb (sth/to do sth);teach sth (to sb) to give sb lessons or instructions so that he/she knows how to do sth 教;讲授: My mother taught me to play the piano. 母亲教我弹钢琴。Jeremy is teaching us how to use the computer. 杰里米教我们使用计算机。He teaches English to foreign students. 他教外国学生英语。I teach in a primary school. 我在小学任教。
2 [T] to make sb believe sth or behave in a certain way 训谕;教导: The story teaches us that history often repeats itself. 这个故事告诫我们历史常常重演。My parents taught me always to tell the truth. 父母告诫我不可说谎。
3 [T] to make sb have a bad experience so that he/she is careful not to do the thing that caused it again 教训: A week in prison? That'll teach him to drink and drive! 坐一个星期牢?这是对他酒后驾车的教训!
teach sb a lesson to make sb have a bad experience so that he/she will not do the thing that caused it again 给某人一个教训




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