

词汇 tasteless
释义 tasteless
/ˈteɪstləs ||; ˈtestləs/adj
1 having little or no flavour 没味道的;平淡无味的: This sauce is rather tasteless. 这调料淡而无味。 [OPP] tasty 反义词为tasty
2 likely to offend people 可能得罪人的;不得体的: His joke about the funeral was particularly tasteless. 他那有关丧礼的笑话尤其不得体。
3 (used especially about clothes, furniture, decorations, etc) not attractive; not well chosen (尤指衣服、家具、装饰等)没有品味的,俗气的 [OPP] tasteful 反义词为tasteful




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