

词汇 news
释义 *news
/nju:z; US nu:z ||; nuz/noun
1 [U] information about sth that has happened recently 新闻;消息: Write and tell me all your news. 把你的近况都写信告诉我。Have you had any news from Nadia recently? 你最近有没有纳迪亚的消息?That's news to me (= I didn't know that). 那个对我来说是新闻。News is coming in of a plane crash in Thailand. 有消息传来说泰国发生了空难。
News is an uncountable noun. If we are talking about an individual item we must say ‘a piece of news ’ We had two pieces of good news yesterday. news是不可数名词。一条新闻用a piece of news:We had two pieces of good news yesterday.昨天我们接到两个好消息。
2 the news [sing] a regular programme giving the latest news on the radio or television (电台或电视台的)新闻报道: We always watch the nine o'clock news on television. 我们经常收看九点钟的电视新闻报道。I heard about the accident on the news. 我是从新闻节目听到这宗事故的。
break the news (to sb) to be the first to tell sb about sth important that has happened 第一个(向某人)宣布重要消息




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