

词汇 grid
释义 grid
/grɪd ||; grɪd/noun[C]
1 a pattern of straight lines that cross each other to form squares 网格: She drew a grid to show how the students had scored in each part of the test. 她画了一张网格来显示学生在测验中各个部份所得的成绩。
2 a frame of parallel metal or wooden bars, usually covering a hole in sth (盖在孔上的)格栅
3 a system of squares that are drawn on a map so that the position of any place can be described or found (地图上的)坐标方格: a grid reference 参考坐标
4 the system of electricity wires, etc taking power to all parts of a country 输电网络: the National Grid 全国输电网络 ☞picture at generatorgenerator插图




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