

词汇 pinch
释义 pinch¹
/pɪntʃ ||; pɪntʃ/verb
1 [T] to hold a piece of sb's skin tightly between your thumb and first finger, especially in order to hurt him/her (用拇指和食指),拧,掐: Paul pinched his brother and made him cry. 保罗掐他的弟弟,使他哭了起来。
2 [I,T] to hold sth too tight, often causing pain 紧紧夹住,挤压(往往引起痛楚): I've got a pinched nerve in my neck. 我脖子里有根神经给压着很痛。
3 [T] (informal 非正式) to steal 偷窃: Who's pinched my pen? 谁偷了我的笔?
/pɪntʃ ||; pɪntʃ/noun[C]
1 the holding of sb's skin tightly between your finger and thumb ;拧;掐: She gave him a little pinch on the arm. 她轻轻拧了他的胳膊一把。
2 the amount of sth that you can pick up with your thumb and first finger 一撮(用拇指和食指可拿取的分量): a pinch of salt 一撮盐
at a pinch used to say that sth can be done if it is really necessary 必要时: We really need three cars but we could manage with two at a pinch. 我们确实需要三辆车,但必要时两辆也可应付过来。 take sth with a pinch of salt to think that sth is probably not true or accurate 半信半疑




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