

词汇 pilot
释义 *pilot¹
/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/noun [C] a person who flies an aircraft 飞机驾驶员;飞行员: an airline pilot 航空公司的飞机驾驶员
/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/verb[T]
1 to operate the controls of a vehicle, especially an aircraft or a boat 驾驶(交通工具,尤指飞机或船): to pilot a ship 驾船
2 to lead sb/sth through a difficult situation 领导,指引,引导,带领(使渡过难关): The booklet pilots you through the process of starting your own business. 这本小册子指导你如何自己创业。
3 to be the first to test sth that will be used by everyone 率先试验或试用: The new exam is being piloted in schools in Italy. 这种新考试正在意大利的学校试行。
/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) done as an experiment or to test sth that will be used by everyone 试验性的;实验的: The pilot scheme will run for six months. 这个试验性计划将进行六个月。




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