

词汇 hole
释义 *hole
/həʊl ||; hol/noun
1 [C] an opening; an empty space in sth solid 洞: The pavement is full of holes. 人行道上到处都是窟窿。There are holes in my socks. 我的袜子上有几个洞。I've got a hole in my tooth. 我的牙上有个洞。
2 [C] the place where an animal lives in the ground or in a tree (动物的)巢穴: a mouse hole 老鼠洞
3 [C] (in golf) the hole in the ground that you must hit the ball into. Each section of the land where you play(golf course)is also called a hole. (高尔夫球)球洞,球穴区: an eighteen-hole golf course 十八个洞的高尔夫球场
4 [sing] (informal 非正式) a small dark and unpleasant room, flat, etc 阴暗狭小的房间等: This place is a hole -- you can't live here! 这地方太糟了─你不能住在这儿!




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