

词汇 hold
释义 *hold¹
/həʊld ||; hold/verb (past tense past participle held /held ||; hɛld/)
1 [T] to take sb/sth and keep him/her/it in your hand, etc 拿着;握着;抱着: He held a gun in his hand. 他手中拿着枪。The woman was holding a baby in her arms. 那个妇人怀中抱着婴儿。Hold my hand. This is a busy road. 这条路车子多,拉着我别放手。 ☞picture on page S19 见S19页插图
2 [T] to keep sth in a certain position 使保持在某个位置上: Hold your head up straight. 把头抬直。Hold the camera still or you'll spoil the picture. 端稳相机别动,要不然会拍坏的。These two screws hold the shelf in place. 这两枚螺钉把架子固定住。
3 [T] to take the weight of sb/sth 承受得住…的重量: Are you sure that branch is strong enough to hold you? 你敢肯定那树枝够结实,承受得住你的重量?
4 [T] to organize an event; to have a meeting, an election, a concert, etc 筹办(活动);举行(会议、选举、音乐会等): They're holding a party for his fortieth birthday. 他们要举办一个酒会,为他庆祝四十岁生日。The Olympic Games are held every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。
5 [I] to stay the same 持续;维持: I hope this weather holds till the weekend. 我希望这样的天气能一直维持到周末。What I said still holds -- nothing has changed. 我说过的仍算数,什么也没改变。
6 [I,T] to contain or have space for a particular amount 容纳;装得下: The car holds five people. 这辆汽车坐得下五个人。How much does this bottle hold? 这个瓶子容量多少?
7 [T] to keep a person in a position or place by force 用武力迫使某人留在某位置或地方: The terrorists are holding three men hostage. 恐怖分子目前把三个男子扣为人质。A man is being held at the police station. 有个男人被拘押在警察局里。
8 [T] to have sth, usually in an official way 持有: Does she hold a British passport? 她是不是持英国护照?She holds the world record in the 100 metres. 她保持着100米短跑的世界纪录。
9 [T] to have an opinion, etc 抱有(见解等): They hold the view that we shouldn't spend any more money. 他们认为,我们不该再花钱了。
10 [T] to believe that sth is true about a person 认为: I hold the parents responsiblefor the child's behaviour. 我认为父母应对儿女的行为负责任。
11 [I,T] (used when you are telephoning) to wait until the person you are calling is ready (用于打电话时)不挂断(等对方接听) · I'm afraid his phone is engaged. Will you hold the line ? 他的电话恐怕占线,请你等一等,别把电话挂掉。
12 [T] to have a conversation 进行谈话: It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise. 这么吵嚷,无法谈话。
Hold it!(spoken 口语) Stop! Don't move! 站住!别动! For other idioms containing hold, look at the entries for the nouns, adjectives, etc. For example hold your own is at own. 其他含hold的习语,参看有关名词、形容词等词条,如hold your own可参看词条ownhold sth against sb to not forgive sb because of sth he/she has done (由于某人做了某事而)不原谅某人 hold sb/sth back
1 to prevent sb from making progress 阻碍
2 to prevent sb/sth from moving forward 阻止…前进: The police tried to hold the crowd back. 警察努力把群众挡住。
hold sth back
1 to refuse to give some of the information that you have 有所隐瞒;保守秘密: The police are sure that she is holding something back. She knows much more than she is saying. 警方认为她必定隐瞒着什么,她知道的远远不止她说出来的事情。
2 to control an emotion and stop yourself from showing what you really feel 抑制,控制(感情): He fought to hold back tears of anger and frustration. 他拚命忍住愤怒和沮丧的眼泪。
hold off (sth/doing sth) to delay sth 推迟;拖延 hold on
1 to wait or stop for a moment 等候或停下片刻: Hold on. I'll be with you in a minute. 等一等,我马上就来。
2 to manage in a difficult or dangerous situation 在困难或危险的情况下坚持下去: They managed to hold on until a rescue party arrived. 他们成功地坚持到救援人员到达。
hold onto sb/sth to hold sb/sth tightly 紧紧抓住: The child held on to his mother; he didn't want her to go. 小孩紧抓着他妈妈,不让她走开。 hold onto sth to keep sth; to not give or sell sth 保留;不给;不卖: They've offered me a lot of money for this painting, but I'm going to hold onto it. 他们出高价要买这幅画,但我不会卖。 hold out to last (in a difficult situation) (在困境中)维持,坚持: How long will our supply of water hold out? 我们的水够用多久? hold sth out to offer sth by moving it towards sb in your hand 把(某物)递给某人: He held out a carrot to the horse. 他把胡萝卜递给马吃。 hold out for sth(informal 非正式) to cause a delay while you continue to ask for sth 坚持要求;不达要求不罢休: Union members are holding out for a better pay offer. 工会成员坚决要求提高工资。 hold sb/sth up to make sb/sth late; to cause a delay 阻延;造成阻延: We were held up by the traffic. 路上车多使我们耽误了。 hold up sth to rob a bank, shop, vehicle, etc using a gun (持枪)抢劫(银行、商店、车辆等)
/həʊld ||; hold/noun
1 [C] the act or manner of having sb/sth in your hand(s) 抓;拿;握: to have a firm hold on the rope 抓紧绳子judo/wrestling holds 柔道╱摔跤擒拿法
2 [sing] a hold (on/over sb/sth) influence or control 影响;控制: The new government has strengthened its hold on the country. 新政府对全国加强了控制。
3 [C] the part of a ship or an aircraft where cargo is carried (船或飞机的)货舱 ☞picture at planeplane插图
catch, get, grab, take, etc hold (of sb/sth)
1 to take sb/sth in your hands 用手抓住╱拿住╱握住…: I managed to catch hold of the dog before it ran out into the road. 狗还来不及跑到马路上,我就捉住了它。
2 to take control of sb/sth; to start to have an effect on sb/sth 控制;开始影响: Mass hysteria seemed to have taken hold of the crowd. 群众的情绪似乎都很激动。
get hold of sb to find sb or make contact with sb 找到;跟…联络上: I've been trying to get hold of the complaints department all morning. 整个早上我都在设法跟申诉部门联络。 get hold of sth to find sth that will be useful 找到(日后有用的东西): I must try and get hold of a good second-hand bicycle. 我得弄一辆好的二手自行车。




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