

词汇 free
释义 *free¹
/fri: ||; fri/adj
1 not in prison, in a cage, etc; not held or controlled 自由的: The government set Mandela freein 1989. 政府于1989年释放了曼德拉。There is nowhere around here where dogs can run free. 在这一带,哪里也不准狗随便乱跑。
2 free (to do sth) not controlled by the government, rules, etc 不受(政府、规则等)操纵的,控制的;自由的: There is free movement of people across the border. 人们可以自由进出边境。free speech/press 言论╱新闻自由
3 costing nothing 免费的: Admission to the museum is free/free of charge. 博物馆免费入场。Children under five usually travel free on trains. 五岁以下的儿童乘火车通常免费。
4 not busy or being used 有空的;未被占用的: I'm afraid Mr Spencer is not free this afternoon. 斯潘塞先生恐怕今天下午没有空。I don't get much free time. 我没有很多闲工夫。Is this seat free? 这个座位有人了吗?
5 free from/of sth not having sth dangerous, unpleasant, etc 没有危险的;没有不快的: free of worries/responsibility 没有烦恼╱责任free from pain 没有痛楚
feel freeFEEL¹free and easy informal or relaxed 不拘礼节;轻松: The atmosphere in our office is very free and easy. 我们办公室气氛十分轻松自在。 get, have, etc a free hand to get, have, etc permission to make your own decisions about sth 有自主权 of your own free will because you want to, not because sb forces you 出于自愿
/fri: ||; fri/verb[T]
1 free sb/sth (from sth) to let sb/sth leave or escape from a place where he/she/it is held 释放: to free a prisoner 释放囚犯The protesters freed the animals from their cages. 示威群众把笼里的动物放了出来。
2 free sb/sth of/from sth to take away sth that is unpleasant from sb 使脱离令人不快的事物: The medicine freed her from pain for a few hours. 这药解除她的痛楚达几个小时。
3 free sb/sth (up) for sth;free sb/sth (up) to do sth to make sth available so that it can be used; to put sb in a position in which he/she can do sth 使某物能供使用;使某人能干某事: If I cancel my trip, that will free me to see you on Friday. 如果我取消旅行,我就有时间在星期五来看望你。




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