/ˈfræntɪk ||; ˈfræntɪk/adj1 extremely worried or frightened 极度忧虑的或恐慌的;狂乱的: The mother went frantic when she couldn't find her child. 那母亲找不到孩子,急得像发了疯似的。frantic cries for help 焦灼的呼救声
2 very busy or done in a hurry 忙乱的;忙的:
a frantic search for the keys 慌忙找钥匙We're not busy at work now, but things get frantic at Christmas. 我们眼下工作不忙,但到了圣诞节会忙得不得了。 ➔frantically /-kli ||; -kḷɪ/ adv