

词汇 rage
释义 rage¹
/reɪdʒ ||; redʒ/noun [C,U] a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control 盛怒: He was trembling with rage. 他气得发抖。to fly into a rage 勃然大怒
/reɪdʒ ||; redʒ/verb[I]
1 rage (at/against/about sb/sth) to show great anger about sth, especially by shouting 大发雷霆;发怒: He raged against the injustice of it all. 他为这一切不公正的做法而大发雷霆。
2 (used about a battle, disease, storm, etc) to continue with great force (指战役、疾病、风暴等)剧烈地持续,肆虐: The battle raged for several days. 这场战役激烈地持续了几天。 raging adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) a raging headache 剧烈的头痛




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