

词汇 seem
释义 *seem
/si:m ||; sim/linking verb seem (to sb) (to be) sth;seem (like) sth (not in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) to give the impression of being or doing sth; to appear 似乎;好像;彷佛: Emma seems (like) a very nice girl. 埃玛看上去好像是个很好的女孩子。Emma seems to be a very nice girl. 埃玛看上去好像是个很好的女孩子。It seems to me that we have no choice. 依我看,我们似乎没有选择的余地。You seem happy today. 你今天好像很高兴。This machine doesn't seem to work. 这台机器好像失灵了。




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