

词汇 whole
释义 *whole¹
/həʊl ||; hol/adj
1 complete; full 整个的;全部的: I drank a whole bottle of water. 我喝了满满一瓶水。Let's just forget the whole thing. 我们且把这整件事忘了吧。She wasn't telling me the whole truth. 她没有完全对我说实话。
2 not broken or cut 完整的: Snakes swallow their prey whole (= in one piece). 蛇会把猎物整个吞下。 ☞adverb wholly 副词为wholly
/həʊl ||; hol/noun[sing]
1 a thing that is complete or full in itself 完整的东西;整体: Two halves make a whole. 两个一半构成一个整体。
2 the whole of sth all that there is of sth 整个: I spent the whole of the morning cooking. 我花了整个早上烧菜。
as a whole as one complete thing or unit and not as separate parts 作为一个整体;整体来说: This is true in Britain, but also in Europe as a whole. 在英国是如此,在整个欧洲也是如此。 on the whole generally, but not true in every case 大体上;总的来说: On the whole I think it's a very good idea. 大体上,我认为这是个很不错的主意。




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