

词汇 deposit
释义 deposit¹
/dɪˈpɒzɪt ||; dɪˈpɑzɪt/verb[T]
1 to put sth down somewhere 放下;放置: He deposited his bags on the floor and sat down. 他把包放在地板上,然后坐下。
2 (used about liquid or a river) to leave sth lying on a surface, as the result of a natural or chemical process (指液体或河流)沉淀,淤积: mud deposited by a flood 洪水淤积的泥
3 to put money into an account at a bank 将(钱)存入银行: He deposited £20 a week into his savings account. 他每周把20英镑存入储蓄账户。
4 deposit sth (in sth);deposit sth (with sb/sth) to put sth valuable in an official place where it is safe until needed again (将贵重对象)存放,寄存(在安全地方): Valuables can be deposited in the hotel safe. 贵重对象可寄存在酒店的保险箱内。
/dɪˈpɒzɪt ||; dɪˈpɑzɪt/noun[C]
1 a deposit (on sth) a sum of money which is the first payment for sth, with the rest of the money to be paid later 订金: Once you have paid a deposit, the booking will be confirmed. 一经缴付订金便可确认预订。
2 a deposit (on sth) [usu.sing] a sum of money that you pay when you rent sth and get back when you return it without damage 保证金;押金: Boats can be hired for £5 an hour, plus £20 deposit. 船租每小时5英镑,另加押金20英镑。
3 a sum of money paid into a bank account 存款
4 a substance that has been left on a surface or in the ground as the result of a natural or chemical process 沉淀物;淤积物: mineral deposits 矿床




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