

词汇 animate
释义 animate¹
/ˈænɪmeɪt ||; ˈænəˌmet/verb[T]
1 to make sth have more life and energy 使生气勃勃;使有活力: Her enthusiasm animated the whole room. 她的热情使整个屋子生气勃勃。
2 (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to make a model, toy, etc seem to move by taking a series of pictures of it in very slightly different positions and then showing the pictures as a continuous film 把(模型、玩具等)摄制成动画片
/ˈænɪmət ||; ˈænəmɪt/adj (formal 正式) living; having life 活的;有生命的: animate beings 生物 [OPP] inanimate 反义词为 inanimate




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