

词汇 while
释义 *while¹
/waɪl; US hwaɪl ||; hwaɪl/(formal 正式whilst /waɪlst; US hwaɪlst ||; hwaɪlst/) conj
1 during the time that; when 在…的时候;当…的时候: He always phones while we're having lunch. 他总是在我们吃午饭时打电话来。
2 at the same time as 在同一个时候;与…同时: He always listens to the radio while he's driving to work. 他总是一边开车去上班,一边听收音机。
3 (formal 正式) used when you are contrasting two ideas (用于对比): Some countries are rich, while others are extremely poor. 有些国家富裕,有些则极为贫困。 [SYN] whereas 同义词为whereas
/waɪl; US hwaɪl ||; hwaɪl/noun [sing] a (usually short) period of time 一段(短)时间: Let's sit down here for a while. 我们在这里坐一会儿吧。 once in a whileONCEworth sb's whileWORTH¹
/waɪl; US hwaɪl ||; hwaɪl/verbwhile sth away to pass time in a lazy or relaxed way 轻松地度过﹙一段时间﹚: We whiled away the evening chatting and listening to music. 我们聊聊天,听听音乐,一个晚上就过去了。




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