

词汇 drill
释义 drill¹
/drɪl ||; drɪl/noun
1 [C] a tool or machine that is used for making holes in things 钻;钻机: a dentist's drill 牙钻 ☞picture at tooltool插图
2 [U] exercise in marching, etc that soldiers do (士兵的)操练
3 [C] something that you repeat many times in order to learn sth 练习
4 [C,U] practice for what you should do in an emergency (应付紧急情况的)演习: a fire drill 消防演习
/drɪl ||; drɪl/verb[I,T]
1 to make a hole in sth with a drill 钻孔 [T] to drill a hole in sth 在某物上钻个孔 [I] to drill for oil 钻探石油
2 to teach sb by making him/her repeat sth many times 训练




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