

词汇 drift
释义 drift¹
/drɪft ||; drɪft/verb[I]
1 to be carried or moved along by wind or water 漂;飘: The boat drifted out to sea. 小船往大海漂去。
2 to move slowly or without any particular purpose 慢慢移动;漫无目的地移动: He drifted from room to room. 他从这房间踱到那房间。She drifted into acting almost by accident. 她走上演戏这条路,几乎纯属偶然。
3 (used about snow or sand) to be moved into piles by wind or water (指雪或沙)堆积: The snow drifted up to two metres deep in some places. 某些地方的积雪深达两米。
drift apart to slowly become less close or friendly with sb 逐渐变得疏远
/drɪft ||; drɪft/noun
1 [C] a slow movement towards sth 缓慢的移动: the country's drift into economic decline 国家逐步陷入经济衰退
2 [sing] the general meaning of sth 大意;主旨: I don't understand all the details of the plan but I get the drift. 这个计划的细节我并不都明白,但我懂了个大概。
3 [C] a pile of snow or sand that was made by wind or water 雪堆;沙堆




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