

词汇 second
释义 *second¹
/ˈsekənd ||; ˈsɛkənd/pronoun det adv noun2nd 第二(个): We are going on holiday in the second week in July. 我们将于七月的第二个星期去度假。Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain after London. 伯明翰是英国仅次于伦敦的第二大城市。She poured herself a second cup of coffee. 她替自己倒了第二杯咖啡。Our team finished second. 我队得到第二名。I came second in the competition. 我在比赛中获得亚军。Queen Elizabeth the Second 女王伊莉萨白二世 the second ofJanuary 一月二日January the second 一月二日 second nature (to sb) something that has become a habit or that you can do easily because you have done it so many times 习性;第二天性: With practice, typing becomes second nature. 只要经过练习,打字就成为驾轻就熟的事了。 second thoughts a change of mind or opinion about sth; doubts that you have when you are not sure if you have made the right decision 重新考虑: On second thoughts, let's go today, not tomorrow. 经过重新考虑后,我想我们今天就去,不要等到明天。I'm starting to have second thoughts about accepting their offer. 我正在重新考虑是否接纳他们的提议。
/ˈsekənd ||; ˈsɛkənd/noun
1 [C] one of the 60 parts into which a minute is divided 秒
2 (informal 非正式sec) [C] a short time 一段短时间: Wait a second, please. 请等一等。
3 [U] the second of the four or five speeds (gears) that a car can move forward in 汽车的二档: Once the car's moving, put it in second. 汽车开动以后就调到二档。
4 [C] [usu.pl] something that has a small fault and that is sold at a lower price 剔庄货;次货: The clothes are all seconds. 这些衣服全都是剔庄货。
5 [C] (formal 正式)a second (in sth) the second-best result in a British university degree (英国大学的)二等学位: to get an upper/a lower second in physics 获得物理学二等一级╱二级学位
/ˈsekənd ||; ˈsɛkənd/verb [T] to support sb's suggestion or idea at a meeting so that it can then be discussed and voted on (会议上)附和(某提议、动议等)
/sɪˈkɒnd ||; ˈsɛkənd/verb [T] second sb (from sth) (to sth) to move sb from his/her job for a fixed period of time to do another job 临时调任: Our teacher has been seconded to another school for a year. 我们的老师被临时调派到另一所学校,为期一年。 secondment noun [U] [C]: to be on secondment 在调任中




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