

词汇 meaningful
释义 meaningful
/ˈmi:nɪŋfl ||; ˈminɪŋfəl/adj
1 useful, important or interesting 有意义的;有用的;重要的;有趣的: Most people need a meaningful relationship with another person. 大部份人都需要与别人建立有意义的关系。
2 (used about a look, expression, etc) trying to express a certain feeling or idea (指眼神、表情等)欲表达某种感觉或意念的,意味深长的: They kept giving each other meaningful glances across the table. 他们两人隔着桌子,不断向对方投以意味深长的目光。 meaningfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv




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