

词汇 spot
释义 *spot¹
/spɒt ||; spɑt/noun[C]
1 a small round mark on a surface 小圆点;斑点: Leopards have dark spots. 豹身上有深色斑点。a blue skirt with red spots on it 有红圆点的蓝色裙子 ☞adjective spotted 形容词为spotted
2 a small dirty mark on sth 小污点;污迹: grease/rust spots 油渍;锈斑
3 a small red or yellow lump that appears on your skin (皮肤上的)红或黄斑点;丘疹: Many teenagers get spots. 许多青少年皮肤上会出丘疹。 ☞adjective spotty 形容词为spotty
4 a particular place or area (某一个)地点,地区: a quiet/lonely/secluded spot 幽静╱偏僻╱僻静的地方
5 [usu.sing] a spot of sth (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) a small amount of sth 少量
have a soft spot for sb/sthSOFTon the spot
1 immediately 立即;当场: Paul was caught stealing money and was dismissed on the spot. 保罗偷钱给人抓住,当场被解雇。
2 at the place where sth happened or where sb/sth is needed 在场;到场: The fire brigade were on the spot within five minutes. 消防队五分钟内抵达现场。
put sb on the spot to make sb answer a difficult question or make a difficult decision without having much time to think 迫使某人回答难题或作仓促决定
/spɒt ||; spɑt/verb [T] (spotting;spotted) (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) to see or notice sb/sth, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do 看见,发觉(尤指突然地或在不大容易发现的情况下): I've spotted a couple of spelling mistakes. 我发现了一些拼写错误。 Although this verb is not used in the continuous tenses, it is common to see the present participle (= -ing form) Spotting a familiar face in the crowd, he began to push his way towards her. 虽然这个动词不用于进行时﹐但它的现在分词﹙-ing形式﹚还是十分常见﹕Spotting a familiar face in the crowd, he began to push his way towards her.他在人群中看到一张熟悉的脸﹐便开始朝她挤过去。




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