/ˌəʊvəˈlʊk ||; ˌovɚˈlυk/verb[T] 1 to fail to see or notice sth 看漏;忽视;忽略: to overlook a spelling mistake 看漏一个拼写错误She felt that her opinion had been completely overlooked. 她感到自己的意见完全被忽视。
2 to see sth wrong but decide to forget it 宽恕;原谅: I will overlook your behaviour this time but don't let it happen again. 这次我会原谅你的行为,但不要再这样了。
3 to have a view over sth 俯视;俯瞰: My room overlooks the sea. 我的房间俯瞰大海。