/ˈpaʊəfl ||; ˈpaυɚfəl/adj1 having a lot of control or influence over other people 有权力的;有影响力的: a powerful nation 强国He's one of the most powerful directors in Hollywood. 他是好莱坞最有影响的导演之一。
2 having great strength or force 强健的;强劲的;大功率的: a powerful car/engine/telescope 大功率汽车;大功率引擎;高倍望远镜a powerful swimmer 游泳健将
3 having a strong effect on your mind or body (对身心)影响大的,效力大的:
The Prime Minister made a powerful speech. 首相发表了一篇很有说服力的演说。a powerful drug 强效药物 ➔powerfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv