

词汇 licence
释义 *licence
/ˈlaɪsns ||; ˈlaɪsṇs/(US 美 license) noun
1 [C] a licence (for sth/to do sth) an official paper that shows you are allowed to do or have sth 执照;许可证: Do you have a licence for this gun? 你的这支枪有执照吗?The shop has applied for a licence to sell alcoholic drinks. 这铺子已申请卖酒许可证。 ☞Look at driving licence. 参看driving licence
2 [U] (formal 正式)licence (to do sth) permission or freedom to do sth (做某事的)许可,自由: The soldiers were given licence to kill if they were attacked. 军队接到指示,如有人来袭击,格杀勿论。




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