

词汇 level
释义 *level¹
/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/noun[C]
1 the amount, size or number of sth (compared to sth else) 数量;大小: a low level of unemployment 低失业率high stress/pollution levels 沉重压力;严重污染
2 the height, position, standard, etc of sth 水平;层次: He used to play tennis at a high level. 他以往打得一手好网球。an intermediate-level student 中等程度的学生top-level discussions 高层会谈
3 a way of considering sth (考虑某事的)角度,层面: on a spiritual/personal/professional level 从精神╱个人╱专业的角度
4 a flat surface or layer 平面;层: a multi-level shopping centre 多层购物中心
/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/adj
1 with no part higher than any other; flat 平的: Make sure the shelves are level before you fix them in position. 先把搁板放平,然后才把它们安上去。Put the tent up on level ground. 把帐篷搭在平地上。a level teaspoon of sugar 一平茶匙的糖
2 level (with sb/sth) at the same height, standard or position (高度、水平或位置)不相上下: The boy's head was level with his father's shoulder. 小男孩的头齐了他爸爸的肩膀。The teams are level on 34 points. 两个队以34分握手言和。
a level playing field a situation in which everyone has an equal chance of success 人人机会均等的局面
/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/verb [T] (levelling;levelled (US 美) leveling;leveled) to make sth flat, equal or level 使平坦;使平均: The ground needs levelling before we lay the patio. 在铺院子以前,场地须要平整一下。Juventus levelled the score with a late goal. 祖云达斯队快到终场才射入一球,把比分拉平。Many buildings were levelled (= destroyed) in the earthquake. 许多建筑物在地震中被夷为平地。 level sth at sb/sth to aim sth at sb/sth 对准;瞄准: They levelled serious criticisms at the standard of teaching. 他们对教学水平提出了严厉批评。 level off/out to become flat, equal or level 变得平坦;变得平均




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