

词汇 clutch
释义 clutch¹
/klʌtʃ ||; klʌtʃ/verb [T] to hold sth tightly, especially because you are in pain, afraid or excited 紧握(尤指因痛苦、惊慌或紧张): He clutched his mother's hand in fear. 他怕得抓紧妈妈的手不放。 clutch at sth to try to take hold of sth 试图抓住某物: She clutched at the money but the wind blew it away. 她还来不及抓住,钞票就让风给吹走了。
/klʌtʃ ||; klʌtʃ/noun
1 [C] the part of a vehicle, etc that you press with your foot when you are driving in order to change the GEAR; the part of the engine that it is connected to (汽车的)离合器踏板,离合器: to press/release the clutch 踩下╱松开离合器 ☞picture at carcar插图
2 clutches [pl] power or control over sb (对某人的)影响力或控制: He fell into the enemy's clutches. 他落入了敌人的魔掌。




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