/kɒf; US kɔ:f ||; kɔf/verb1 [I] to send air out of your throat and mouth with a sudden loud noise, especially when you have a cold, have sth in your throat, etc 咳嗽: Cigarette smoke makes me cough. 香烟的烟雾呛得我咳嗽。 ☞picture at sneeze 见sneeze插图
2 [T] cough (up) sth to send sth out of your throat and mouth with a sudden loud noise 咳出: When I started coughing (up) blood I called the doctor. 我开始咳血,便叫了医生。
cough (sth) up(
informal 非正式) to give money when you do not want to (不情愿地)提供(金钱):
Come on, cough up what you owe me! 快,把你欠我的还给我!