

词汇 puff
释义 puff¹
/pʌf ||; pʌf/verb
1 [I,T] (used about air, smoke, wind, etc) to blow or come out in clouds (指空气、烟、风等)一阵阵吹出,成团喷出: Smoke was puffing out of the chimney. 烟从烟囱里一阵一阵喷出。
2 [I,T] to smoke a cigarette, pipe, etc 抽(香烟、烟斗等) [I] to puff on a cigarette 一口一口地抽烟
3 [I] to breathe loudly or quickly, for example when you are running 大声或急促地呼吸,喘气(如跑步的时候): He was puffing hard as he ran up the hill. 他一路跑上山,跑得上气不接下气。
4 [I] puff along, in, out, up, etc to move in a particular direction with loud breaths or small clouds of smoke 喘着气走向或喷着烟移向某方向: The train puffed into the station. 火车喷着烟进站。
puff sth out/up to cause sth to become larger by filling it with air 注入空气使某物膨胀: The trumpet player was puffing out his cheeks. 小号手鼓起双颊吹着。 puff up (used about part of the body) to become swollen (指身体的某部位)肿胀: Her arm puffed up when she was stung by a wasp. 她给黄蜂螫了一下,胳膊肿起来了。
/pʌf ||; pʌf/noun[C]
1 a small amount of air, smoke, wind, etc that is blown or sent out 一缕,一股,一阵(空气、烟、风等): a puff of smoke 一缕烟
2 one breath that you take when you are smoking a cigarette or pipe (抽)一口(烟或烟斗): to take/have a puff on a cigarette 抽一口烟




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