

词汇 public
释义 *public¹
/ˈpʌblɪk ||; ˈpʌblɪk/adj
1 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with ordinary people in general, not those who have an important position in society 公众的;与公众有关的: Public opinion was in favour of the war. 公众舆论赞成打这场战争。How much public support is there for the government's policy? 有多少人支持政府的政策呢?
2 provided for the use of people in general; not private 为公众而设的;公共的;公用的: a public library/telephone 公共图书馆;公用电话public spending (= money that the government spends on education, health care, etc) 公共开支(政府在教育、保健等方面的支出)
3 known by many people 公开的;众所周知的: We're going to make the news publicsoon. 我们即将公开这个消息。 ☞Look at private. 参看privatepublicly /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv The company refused to admit publicly that it had acted wrongly. 那家公司拒绝公开承认行事失当。
be common/public knowledgeKNOWLEDGEgo public
1 to tell people about sth that is a secret 把秘密公开: The sacked employee went public with his stories of corruption inside the company. 那个被辞退的员工抖出他所知道的公司内部的腐败情况。
2 (used about a company) to start selling shares to the public (指公司)发售股票,使股票上市
in the public eye often appearing on television, in magazines, etc 经常在电视、杂志等上露面
/ˈpʌblɪk ||; ˈpʌblɪk/noun[sing] [with.sop]
1 the public people in general 公众;民众;人民: The university swimming pool is open to the public in the evenings. 该大学的游泳池晚间向公众开放。The police have asked for help from members of the public. 警方已向公众要求协助。The public is/are generally in favour of the new law. 公众一般都支持这项新法令。
2 a group of people who are all interested in sth or who have sth in common (有共同兴趣或特点的)一群人: the travelling public 爱出外旅行的人
in public when other people are present 当众;公开;公然: This is the first time that Miss Potter has spoken about her experience in public. 这是波特小姐首次公开讲述自己的经历。




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