

词汇 grease
释义 grease¹
/gri:s ||; gris/noun [U]:
1 a thick substance containing oil used, for example, to make engines run smoothly (用于引擎的)油脂: engine grease 引擎润滑油
2 animal fat that has been made soft by cooking 动物油脂: You'll need very hot water to get all the grease off those pans. 要很热的水才能彻底清除那几个锅里的油垢。
/gri:s ||; gris/verb [T] to rub grease or fat on or in sth 涂上油脂: Grease the tin thoroughly to stop the cake from sticking. 把烤模擦满油,以免蛋糕黏在上面。




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