

词汇 include
释义 *include
/ɪnˈklu:d ||; ɪnˈklud/verb [T] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时)
1 to have as one part; to contain (among other things) 包括;含有: The price of the holiday includes the flight, the hotel and car hire. 旅费包括机票、住宿和租车费。The crew included one woman. 工作人员里面有一位女性。 ☞ Look at the note at contain. 参看contain的注释。 [OPP] exclude 反义词为exclude
2 include sb/sth (as/in/on sth) to make sb/sth part (of another group, etc) (使)成为其中一分子或一部份: The children immediately included the new girl in their games. 孩子们马上接受这个新来的小女孩一起玩耍。Everyone was disappointed, myself included. 谁都感到失望,我也是。 inclusion /ɪnˈklu:ʒn ||; ɪnˈkluʒən/ noun [U]: The inclusion of all that violence in the film was unnecessary. 那部电影根本没有必要加插那么多的暴力镜头。




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