

词汇 bundle
释义 bundle¹
/ˈbʌndl ||; ˈbʌndḷ/noun [C] a number of things tied or folded together 捆;束: a bundle of letters with an elastic band round them 用橡皮筋束在一起的一摞信件
/ˈbʌndl ||; ˈbʌndḷ/verb[T]
1 bundle sth (up) to make or tie a number of things together 捆扎: I bundled up the old newspapers and threw them away. 我把旧报纸捆起来丢掉。
2 to put or push sb or sth quickly and in a rough way in a particular direction 把人或物朝某方向猛推: He was arrested and bundled into a police car. 他给逮捕了,推上了警车。




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