

词汇 door
释义 *door
/dɔ:(r) ||; dɔr/noun[C]
1 a piece of wood, glass, etc that you open and close to get in or out of a room, building, car, etc 门: to open/shut/close the door 开╱关门to answer the door (= to open the door when sb knocks or rings the bell) 应门Have you bolted/locked the door? 你闩╱锁上门了没有?I could hear someone knocking on the door. 我听见有人在敲门。the front/back door 前╱后门the fridge door 冰箱门
2 the entrance to a building, room, car, etc 门口;入口: I looked through the door and saw her sitting there. 我从门口朝里望,看见她坐在那里。
(from) door to door (from) house to house 从一个住宅到另一个住宅;挨家挨户: The journey takes about five hours, door to door. 从这儿到那儿大约要五个钟头。a door-to-door salesman (= a person who visits people in their homes to try and sell them things) 挨户兜销的推销员 next door (to sb/sth) in the next house, room, etc 隔邻;隔壁: Do you know the people who live next door? 你认识住在隔壁的人吗? out of doors outside 在户外;在室外: Shall we eat out of doors today? 我们今天到外面去吃饭好不好? [SYN] outdoors 同义词为outdoors [OPP] indoors 反义词为indoors




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