

词汇 denial
释义 denial
/dɪˈnaɪəl ||; dɪˈnaɪəl/noun
1 [C] a statement that sth is not true 否认: The minister issued a denial that he was involved in the scandal. 部长发表一项声明,否认他与那宗丑闻有关。
2 [C,U] (a) denial (of sth) refusing to allow sb to have or do sth 拒绝;拒绝给予;拒绝让(某人)享有: a denial of personal freedom 剥夺人身自由
3 [U] a refusal to accept that sth unpleasant or painful has happened 拒绝承认(发生过不快或痛苦之事): He's been in denial ever since the accident. 自发生那起事故以来,他一直不能接受现实。 ☞verb deny 动词为deny




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