

词汇 above
释义 *above
/əˈbʌv ||; əˈbʌv/prep
1 in a higher place 在上方;在…上面: The people in the flat above make a lot of noise. 楼上公寓那些人很吵闹。The coffee is in the cupboard above the sink. 咖啡在洗涤糟上方的食品柜里。
2 in an earlier part (of sth written) 在(书面材料的)前面部份: Contact me at the above address/the address above. 按上述地址跟我联系。 [OPP] below, but note that below is not used before a noun Contact me at the address below. 反义词为 below,但注意 below 不用于名词前:Contact me at the address below. 按下面的地址跟我联系。
3 more than a number, amount, price, etc 超出(某数目、数量、价格等): children aged 11 and above 11岁或以上的儿童A score of 70 and above will get you a grade B. 得70分或以上就评为乙等。You must get above 50% to pass. 要取得50%以上才算合格。above-average temperatures 高于平均读数的温度 [OPP] below 反义词为 below ☞Look at over. 参看 over
4 with a higher position in an organization, etc (职位等)较…高: The person above me is the department manager. 我的顶头上司是部门经理。 [OPP] below 反义词为 below
5 too proud to do sth 不屑做某事: He seems to think he's above helping with the cleaning. 他似乎觉得不屑帮忙打扫。
above all (used to emphasize the main point) most importantly (用以强调要点)最重要的是: Above all, stay calm! 最重要的是要保持冷静! (be) above board (used especially about a business deal, etc) honest and open (尤指商业交易等)开诚布公的,光明正大的




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