

词汇 recently
释义 *recently
/ˈri:sntli ||; ˈrisṇtlɪ/adv not long ago 不久前;近来: She worked here until quite recently. 不久之前她还在这里工作。Have you seen Paul recently? 你最近见过保罗没有? Recently can refer to both a point in time and a period of time. If it refers to a point in time, use the past simple tense He got married recently. If it refers to a period, use the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense I haven't done anything interesting recently. She's been working hard recently. Lately can only refer to a period of time. It is used only with the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense I've seen a lot of films lately. I've been spending too much money lately. recently可以指一个时间点或一段时间。指一个时间点,用简单过去时:He got married recently.他最近结婚了。指一段时间,则用现在完成时或现在完成进行时:I haven't done anything interesting recently.我最近没有做过什么有趣的事情。·She's been working hard recently.她近来一直很努力工作。lately只用于指一段时间,要用现在完成时或现在完成进行时:I've seen a lot of films lately.我近来看了很多部电影。·I've been spending too much money lately.我最近钱花得太多了。




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