

词汇 drain
释义 *drain¹
/dreɪn ||; dren/noun [C] a pipe or hole in the ground that dirty water, etc goes down to be carried away 排水沟;下水道 ☞picture on page C7 见C7页插图 a drain on sb/sth something that uses up time, money, strength, etc 耗光时间、金钱、力量等的事物: The cost of travelling is a great drain on our budget. 对我们的预算来说,旅行费用是一个沉重的负担。 (go) down the drain(informal 非正式) (to be) wasted 白费了;被白费: All that hard work has gone down the drain. 一切心血都已尽付东流。
/dreɪn ||; dren/verb
1 [I,T] to become empty or dry as liquid flows away and disappears; to make sth dry or empty in this way (使)变干涸;排干 · The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. 整个地区都要排涝才能用来耕种。Drain the pasta and add the sauce. 沥干面条里的水,然后加入调味汁。
2 [I,T] drain sth (from/out of sth);drain sth (away/off) to flow away; to make a liquid flow away (使)流掉: The sink's blocked -- the water won't drain away at all. 水池子堵了,水排不掉。The plumber had to drain the water from the heating system. 管子工得把供暖系统里的水放掉。 (figurative 比喻) He felt all his anger begin to drain away. 他觉得一肚子气开始消下去了。
3 [T] to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup, etc 把…喝干: He drained his glass in one gulp. 他一饮而尽。
4 [T] drain sb/sth (of sth) to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc by slowly using all the strength, money, etc available 消耗或耗尽…的精力、金钱等: My mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining my funds. 我母亲的住院费用渐渐耗尽了我的资金。The experience left her emotionally drained. 这次经历使她的感情枯竭了。




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