

词汇 tradition
释义 *tradition
/trəˈdɪʃn ||; trəˈdɪʃən/noun [C,U] a custom, belief or way of doing sth that has continued from the past to the present 传统;风俗: religious/cultural/literary traditions 宗教╱文化╱文学传统 By tradition, the bride's family pays the costs of the wedding. 根据传统,新娘家要支付婚礼的费用。 traditional /-ʃənl ||; -ʃənḷ/ adj It is traditional in Britain to eat turkey at Christmas. 在英国,圣诞节吃火鸡是个传统。 traditionally /-ʃənəli ||; -ʃənḷɪ/ adv




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