/ˈfɪzɪkl ||; ˈfɪzɪkḷ/adj1 connected with your body rather than your mind 身体的: physical fitness/strength/disabilities 身体健康;体力;身体残疾
2 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with real things that you can touch, or with the laws of nature 与实物有关的;与自然规律有关的: physical geography (= the natural features on the face of the earth) 自然地理学
3 (only
before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with the study of natural forces(
physics)and things that are not alive 物理的
➔physically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv to be physically fit 身体很健康 · It will be physically impossible to get to London before ten. 要在十时前抵达伦敦实际上是不可能的。