

词汇 donation
释义 donation
/dəʊˈneɪʃn ||; doˈneʃən/noun [C] money, etc that is given to a person or an organization such as a charity, in order to help people or animals in need 捐赠物;捐款
/dʌn ||; dʌn/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前)
1 finished 已完成: I've got to go out as soon as this job is done. 完成这项工作后我马上就要出去。
2 (used about food) cooked enough (指食物)煮熟: The meat's ready but the vegetables still aren't done. 肉已经熟了,但蔬菜还未煮好。
over and done with completely finished; in the past 完结;过去了




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