

词汇 working
释义 *working
/ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ||; ˈwɝkɪŋ/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前)
1 employed; having a job 受雇的;在职: the problems of childcare for working mothers 在职母亲在照顾子女方面的困难
2 connected with your job 工作上的: He stayed with the same company for the whole of his working life. 他的就业生涯在同一家公司度过。The company offers excellent working conditions. 那家公司提供极佳的工作条件。
3 good enough to be used, although it could be improved 凑合能用的: We are looking for someone with a working knowledge of French. 我们在找一个法语能凑合应付需要的人。
in working orderORDER¹




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